Basketball (Boys)
Basketball (Boys)
Overview of CCA:
We believe in working hard and training together as a team. A cooperative team spirit must be cultivated both on and off the court. We also believe in developing resilience, an essential 21st Century Competency. At the end of their QSS journey, we want to establish future-ready citizens who can contribute to society.

Achievement in 2023:
4th Placing in Zonal C Boys
Student Experiences:
I struggled initially when I joined the Basketball team as I was still a relatively novice player. However, I was determined to hone my skills and train hard. After years of practice, I can proudly say that I have become just as good as my teammates! 2022 was our final chance to compete in a national tournament. This year, every single one of us gave our paramount effort. We trained our hardest as we were determined to win. On the first day of the competition, we were all excited and nervous at the same time. Four years of hard work and training for this moment! We decided to give it our all. As a team, we managed to get to the quarterfinals. This impressive feat was only achievable because of our tremendous amount of commitment and support from coach and teachers. It has been four remarkable years being in the Basketball CCA. It has definitely been an amazing experience and I will treasure these memories for the rest of my life.